Tapping for a Fulfilling Life

  • 13 Jun 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
  • Zoom


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Monthly with Robin Friedman

UK 7pm, EST 2pm, PT 11am 

Creating A Fulfilling Life on Purpose

What is a fulfilling life for you? What would that look like? What’s in the way? Could we make it even more fulfilling, more meaningful? In this year-long group we will be looking at our lives, through the format of our spiritual anatomy.

Creating A Fulfilling Life on Purpose, twelve sessions:

  1. Loving and Accepting What Is Now
  2. Physical Body - How is our relationship with our body?
  3. Emotional Body - Emotions we want to experience in our life, what’s keeping us from them?
  4. Mental Body - Limiting and empowering thoughts and beliefs
  5. Spiritual Body - What is the greater meaning?
  6. Seventh Chakra - What do we want to create?
  7. Sixth Chakra - What ideas do we have, what do we perceive?
  8. Fifth Chakra - What is the story we tell?
  9. Fourth Chakra - Relationships that are holding us back or helping us? Can we love our idea?
  10. Third Chakra - Who are we to create such a thing?
  11. Second Chakra - Growing it in our creative womb. Is there passion, is there joy?
  12. Root Chakra - Bringing it into Manifestation

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

~ Les Brown

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