Advanced EFT Short Courses

Continue your journey of learning with the EFT Guild

What are Advanced Short courses?

These are advanced EFT, short courses of Level 3 standard - knowledge of EFT techniques and skills to EFTi Level 2 is a pre-requisite. Each course has:

  • two 90 min Advanced EFT trainer video sessions 
  • links to learning resources, videos, audios and handouts
  • exercises 

Courses count as EFTi Further Learning hours.

EFT Guild members use the Resource links to go directly to the course. Non-Members:  Join the EFT Guild

Links here for Members who previously purchased Duality Quadrants or Ancestral Energetics 

Live Classes

  • No upcoming events

Support for Advanced EFT Recorded Courses

These courses are free and there is no trainer support or assessment.  With questions or for a live demonstration, individuals or pairs can make appointments with Gwyneth at

Courses and Resource Links

EFT Guild members can go directly to the resource links below, there is no need to purchase the course.

Meridian Energy

We can use EFT skilfully and effectively without knowing anything about the meridians and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This module is an introduction that explains why we tap where we tap and what is happening when we tap.  Learn about Yin/Yang, the Five Energies and how Qi flows in the body.  September 2023 version.

Meridian Energy Resources  

Surrogate Tapping

Surrogate Tapping is an invitation to healing with EFT sent across time and space. Learn the effective and ethical 3:2:1 protocol for distance work to help animals, children and grown ups. 

Surrogate Tapping Resources   

Polyvagal Theory and EFT

Polyvagal theory explains the biology of safety and danger.  EFT practitioners already know, the significance of traumatic experience. Gwyneth decodes the jargon of polyvagal theory and extracts the information which is helpful.  Learn how the states of unconscious, automatic bodily responses to threat can either be discharged or stick with us. How negative self-talk can arise as a consequence of automatic defence states. 

Polyvagal Resources

Self Compassion for the Inner Child

Self-Compassion is Gwyneth's EFT technique for inner child healing. We create secure attachment through a compassionate connection between adult self and child self. This technique is particularly helpful for those with a strong critical voice. We all learn self-criticism as a child as a defence against the criticism of others and it becomes the root of limitations and unwanted behaviours. Compassion is the antidote to criticism. Through Self-Compassion EFT we can release unhelpful learning and be our own 'secret invisible friend'. 

Self Compassion Resources

Projection Tapping

Jung said that emotion we cannot accept we either suppress or project. EFT is great for clearing that which we push down into our bodies and Projection Tapping with bears or proxies enables us to get tapping to that which we push out onto others. Gwyneth Moss teaches this course which builds on the Magic Buttons Bear work of Linda Wood. Learn how to use toys for yourself, with adults and with children. Find out which toys are best to use and how we can also use drawings. 

Projection Tapping Resources


Do you ever find that either your client won't stop talking or says almost nothing? Do you get lost in what happened when? Or spend too much time talking and not enough tapping? Here are two visual techniques to quickly get to what its all about. 

MoodLines Resources     

EFT Imagineering

Using Imagination and imagery as the translator between body speak of symptoms and verbal language of the mind to get tapping into painless physical conditions. A simple and elegant form of tapping with impressive results. 

EFT Imagineering Resources 

Protective Distancing

Developed by Gwyneth Moss to avoid overwhelm when an intense memory comes up, the 'Boxes' technique is also brilliant for the secret guilts that underly self-sabotage. 

Protective Distancing Resources


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